Training Courses

According to a resolution of the responsible senate committee, fees are imposed on the training courses offered by the Center for IT Services.
All Training Courses starting after May 2007 are free of charge for students of the University of Würzburg.
Additionally, all participating students receive relevant documentation for free if it is included in the list of RRZN-Publications and in stock.
For other participants, the cost is mainly dependent on the length of the course and normally amounts to 20 € per 3-hour period. Fees for external participants may be higher. Some courses are offered free of charge.
Reservation and payment for training courses is done online via the Web-Shop. Login occurs with the seven-digit user-id (without context) and current Novell-password, please read the Instructions for Reservation and Payment before logging in.
In case of difficulties, it is possible to come to the IT-Helpdesk in person to make reservations, in that case payment is possible with the MUCk-Card..
The Web-Shop offers detailed information about offered training courses as well as an indication whether places are still available.
The Web-Shop is only available from within the university's network, external logins have to use a VPN-connection.